Resuscitation Council UK

New Resuscitation Council UK website shown on a desktop monitor

Resuscitation Council UK is working towards a day when everyone in society has the skills they need to save a life.

IE Digital rebranded the charity to become more public-facing and built a user-friendly new Drupal 8 website, to provide an intuitive user experience for healthcare professionals and the public alike.

Explore the case study for the new Resuscitation Council UK website.

Working in partnership with IE, we’ve been able to develop a new brand and website which really capture the ‘look and feel’ of who we want to be as an organisation. Visually, it looks great. The tone is welcoming and accessible, while maintaining the understated authority and clinical credibility which remain key to our reputation.

An aged and clunky website has been replaced by one which is intuitive, user-friendly and accessible. IE has played a key role in driving our digital transformation, increasing our ability to engage and influence expert and public audiences alike.
James Cant
Chief Executive