Digital Case Studies

IE Digital’s award-winning work speaks for itself… at least we like to think so. We invite you to read our deep dive case studies to understand how we get to know audience needs, design unique user experiences, build beautiful WordPress and Drupal websites, develop innovative mobile apps, and engineer bespoke web applications for our charity, health and education clients.

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Multi-Academy Trust schools websites

Ark needed to rebuild their portfolio of 39 school websites with the needs of their users in mind – primarily parents of present and future pupils. The CMS needed to allow local control of localised content, but also support the central roll-out...

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identical-but-different school websites
User research and UX for mental health charity

Mind’s new strategy was focused on three key audiences: young people, people from racialised communities, and people experiencing financial hardship. Research showed these people were most at risk of mental health problems but weren’t typically being...

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Charity digital transformation

Relate picked IE Digital as the agency to deliver its digital transformation. This was centred around a new website, and coincided with the charity’s rebrand and repositioning. Relate is the largest provider of relationship support in England and Wa...

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reduction in staff time to manage chatbot
Prestige charity website
Royal Academy of Engineering

IE Digital designed a modern, user-centred and flexible new website for the Royal Academy of Engineering. The new site ensures clear, intuitive navigation and advanced search functionality, while supporting multiple integrations. The Royal Academy o...

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Cancer patient information platform
Prostate Cancer Research

IE Digital worked with Prostate Cancer Research to design and build their new patient information platform, the infopool.The rich, interactive site helps patients understand the different tests and treatments available. It also includes hundreds of r...

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Charity group website

IE Digital designed and built Coram a rich, modern new WordPress website to support the delivery of the charity’s new strategy. We streamlined their existing presence and designed the user experience around key user journeys.  Established as th...

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Irish university website and brand
UCD Innovation Academy

A showstopping new website and brand for the UCD Innovation Academy, aimed at both University College Dublin students and lifelong learners. The Innovation Academy helps people from all walks of life to transform their mindset through experiential l...

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Health charity fundraising website
Bowel Research UK

Bowel Research UK required a new website to support its launch, following the merger of two charities. The newly merged charity is ambitious to raise its public profile, to improve and ultimately save people’s lives. BRUK funds research into bowel c...

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impressions for Twitter hashtag #BRUK during the first week of launch
Health charity website
Resuscitation Council UK

To support Resuscitation Council UK’s ambitions to transform into a more public-facing brand, IE Digital designed and built a user-friendly new Drupal 8 website for the charity, with a vibrant new visual identity. Resuscitation Council UK is working...

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visitors to the website per month
Digital transformation: membership portal

Professional membership organisation Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) asked IE Digital to redevelop their website – streamlining content and placing a renewed emphasis on the user experience in phase 1. In phase 2 we transformed the...

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reduction in administration time per membership application
Adult literacy charity website
Read Easy UK

Read Easy UK was about to gain a significant PR boost, thanks to a charity appeal with Richard Madeley on BBC Radio 4. To capitalise on this, the charity needed a top-notch, accessible website to support its goals to increase donations and recruit vo...

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enquiries from potential volunteers in response to BBC appeal
Sexual health charity website

Sexwise is a sex-positive new campaign website from sexual health charity FPA (Family Planning Association). Centred around a mobile-friendly Drupal 8 website created by IE Digital, Sexwise offers honest advice about contraception, pregnancy, STIs, a...

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of visitors improved their understanding of STIs
Community radio station website
Morley Radio

Morley Radio asked IE Digital to design a modern WordPress website, to host and promote its on-demand and live-streaming content.  Morley Radio is the community radio station for Morley College London – one of the UK’s leading centres for adult...

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students invited to participate on either side of the microphone
Christian charity holiday website

CPAS needed a new website to promote and manage its ‘Ventures & Falcons’ holidays. IE Digital integrated closely with CPAS’ CRM system (thankQ) to build in bookings and payments, volunteer applications, and trigger offline safeguarding check...

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Women's charity website

In parallel with rebranding Anawim and developing its new visual identity, IE Digital built a new WordPress website for the charity. Anawim is a charity that helps women in and around Birmingham, whether they are struggling with trauma, domestic abu...

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years supporting women in and around Birmingham
University outreach resources
Southern Universities Network (SUN)

As part of Southern Universities Network’s (SUN's) outreach programme, IE Digital created – an engaging, interactive resource to help year 10 & 11 students with the transition to college and university.

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local year 10 pupils involved in user testing
Websites for University College and Clinic
University College of Osteopathy

IE Digital designed and developed two new Drupal websites for the newly renamed University College of Osteopathy and its Clinic.

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new Drupal websites for UCO College and Clinic
Christian charity website
Agape UK

Following IE's rebrand of the charity, Agapé UK needed to revamp its website. Our team designed the user experience around key user journeys, and built a rich, modern and highly polished WordPress site to showcase the new brand.  For ...

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years active on university campuses across the UK
Course application system
AgriFood Training Partnership

The AgriFood Training Partnership (AFTP) appointed IE Digital to develop a new Drupal website with a seamless, joined-up user experience across the online user journey. The AFTP is a newly formed organisation that brings together six of the UK’s lea...

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W3 Award for Outstanding University Website
Legal regulator website UX
SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority)

IE Digital took an Agile approach to improve the overall user experience (UX) on the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) website. We looked at every component of the site at the “Atomic” level, using disposable rapid prototypes to test the new desi...

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fewer distinct design patterns simplified and redesigned
Case management system for fire safety
West Midlands Fire Service

Activity Assistant is West Midlands Fire Service's bespoke, in-house case management system for activity management, information collection and reporting. Without in-house UX expertise, WMFS came to IE Digital to add a modern and intuitive, responsi...

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operational personnel gave the UX an unprecedented “excellent” rating
Volunteer management system
Career Ready

IE Digital was selected to deliver Career Ready's digital strategy, which included the design and build of both a new marketing website and a sophisticated online Volunteer Management System. UK charity Career Ready delivers a structured employer en...

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increase in volunteer registrations
Community app for cancer charity
Young Lives vs Cancer

Young Lives vs Cancer was looking to embrace digital comms and create an online community tool and smartphone app. Young Lives vs Cancer (formerly CLIC Sargent) is the UK’s leading cancer charity for children, young people and their families. They p...

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topic hashtags to explore
Charity website & teaching resource
Countryside Classroom

IE Digital designed a unique new visual identity and an educational website for charity Countryside Classroom. It's the largest partnership of its kind in the UK – led by charity Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) – with an ambition to help sc...

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silver W3 outstanding website awards
Health app kite-marking process
Public Health England

IE Digital worked with Public Health England (PHE), on an agile project to create an endorsement process for NHS approved health apps, and then to create a service manual for publication on The work was based on Government Digital Service (GD...

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mobile apps claiming to benefit health and wellbeing
Health app and GP monitoring system

HealthTouch is an innovative web and mobile app, developed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of primary care services for patients. IE Digital crafted a user friendly mobile health app, featuring Trackers for patients to record a range of ...

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Brand and member-focused website
LABC (Local Authority Building Control)

Before we landedThe LABC brand had the loyalty of its members, and was authoritative and functional. But they wanted to be bolder and more compelling to other audiences – homeowners, local authorities, businesses of all shapes and sizes, policymakers...

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Professional training and elearning website
The Inns of Court College of Advocacy (ICCA)

Before we landed As ICCA is gradually moving towards delivering more of its learning online, they realised their website wasn’t up to the task. They also planned to launch a new Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) for September 2020, for which t...

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Christian charity brand and website
Betel UK

Before we landedLike many charities, Betel had been so immersed in doing amazing work that their brand and marketing had been neglected. Without clear audience differentiation or a fully mapped out customer journey, they were missing opportunities to...

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Name, brand and website for uni careers service
University College Dublin Careers Network

Before we landed UCD’s Career Development Centre had been transformed from a highly centralised service to a distributed model, and the emphasis had shifted from ‘careers guidance’ towards enhancing student employability. They had a strong presence ...

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Health brand and microsite
The Strategy Unit

Before we landed The Strategy Unit was struggling to succinctly and compellingly articulate its service offering. The brand lacked confidence and tended to communicate complexity and a self-deprecating humility that failed to match the views of its ...

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Research-led UX for accreditation application process

Before we landed Ofgem filtered applicants for the DRHI using an online application form. The automated process allowed people to be accepted, rejected or referred to the operations team for follow-up.

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NHS remote care health app t
CW+ Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Before we landed CW+ invests in financially sustainable innovations, facilities and technologies that improve clinical outcomes for patients at Chelsea and Westminster and beyond. One such project is to support its 4,600 patients recuperating from h...

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International Christian charity rebrand
Serving In Mission

Before we landed  SIM UK, as it was then known, was struggling with poor brand recognition and an aging donor and volunteer base. Their organisational structures and staff team were struggling to meaningfully engage with a younger and increasin...

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CRM-integrated website to attract volunteers and donations
St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP)

Before we landed Traditionally, SVP had kept a low profile in the UK, but they were now aiming to raise awareness of their work among Catholic communities and beyond. The website was dated and provided a poor user experience, particularly on mobiles...

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Brand and website refresh for Catholic college
Heythrop College, University of London

Before we landed As a Kensington based conservative Catholic college, fast approaching its fourth centenary, Heythrop was increasingly aware that its offering was falling out of step with student needs. Brand positioning and digital strategy – s...

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Professional membership website with Learning Management System
Lighting Industry Association (LIA)

Before we landed In preparation for a pivotal year of development and change, and a period of intense growth, the LIA needed a new website to provide a window into its work for the public, government and other stakeholders.

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WordPress website for education charity
Young Enterprise

Before we landed YE had merged with financial education charity pfeg (another long-serving IE client) in 2014, and pfeg rebranded as Young Money (YM) three years later. They continued to operate two separate websites, until the time was right to int...

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Raisers’ Edge integration for internal marketplace and resource hub
Sailors' Society

Before we landed Sailors’ Society identified the need for a central hub of resources and information, that allows the status of projects and services to be visible to income generators within the organisation. The challenge we were set To develop ...

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Quiz-based app for an educational charity

Before we landed The charity was looking for a way to promote participation and provide young people with knowledge, skills and confidence.   The challenge we were set IE Digital was challenged to direct and evolve the Citizenship Foundation’...

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Brand and website for start-up business

Before we landed The founder of Ceradas, Chris Stamp, had been operating as an independent business consultant for a couple of years, but without any brand or website. He came to IE looking to professionalise his offering and create a visual identit...

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Agile user experience project

Before we landedThe main Lantra website had become a portal to a wide array of activities undertaken by Lantra in different regions and for different audiences, which led to a cluttered, disjointed user experience.The challenge we were setIE Digital ...

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Engaging impact reports and data visualisation
Goldman Sachs 10KSB

Before we landedThe business schools at the universities of Oxford (Saïd Business School), Aston (Aston Centre for Growth), Leeds, Manchester Met and UCL partnered with sponsor Goldman Sachs to create the programme. They’d commissioned an independent...

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NHS mental health app for young people

Before we landed With c.1,200 school nurses for 200,000 schools, it’s often hard for young people to access help with concerns about mental health, sex, drugs and alcohol. ChatHealth was designed to tackle this problem and support the national s...

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Charity ecommerce website
Restored by Betel

Before we landed Following IE’s 2015 rebrand and new website for Betel, the charity asked us to create their new ecommerce site for the ‘Restored by Betel’ furniture business. We’d already created a logo and colour palette for the sub-brand, but it ...

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Digital service for workforce planning
Energy & Utility Skills

Before we landed A key challenge for EUS members is modelling changes in workforce, to ensure the right skills are available at the right time for large infrastructure projects. EUS initially solved the problem in-house through a series of vast spre...

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Membership site for global sustainability

Before we landed IE Digital originally took on the support and ongoing development of ISEAL’s old Drupal 6 website in 2014. As well as general maintenance we provided digital advice spanning a number of projects, including a Business Stories microsi...

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NHS mental health diary app

Before we landed 2gether (now Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust) had an existing app for people with low-level mental health issues. It used a simple emoji-based interface to allow users to self-monitor their moods and understand ...

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Website, name and brand for benevolent charity
Clergy Support Trust

Before we landed “Sons & Friends of the Clergy” had been doing great work for hundreds of years. A full strategic review of the charity recommended a brand research exercise, to better understand audience perceptions of the existing brand. 

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Website for rebranded NHS social enterprise
CSH Surrey

Before we landed IE had already been commissioned to evaluate CSH Surrey’s brand and re-position them as a ‘front of mind provider’ in order to deliver their target three-fold growth within five years. After a listening exercise, IE re-branded and r...

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